– WAHV Accreditation Auditing

At Upgrade Consulting, we offer comprehensive auditing services tailored to the operator's specific business needs, helping ensure compliance with Main Roads Western Australia criteria in the following modules:

  • Common Standards

    Record of completed Bi-annual (6 monthly) Internal Reviews (must include all relevant items from the form in the current Operator Guide).

    Comprehensive training/induction register of all employees/drivers relevant to all modules.

    A comprehensive register of all vehicles relevant to all modules.

    Signed and dated Responsibility Statements, including minimum requirements for calibration records, system maintenance, training content review, record legibility, bi-annual internal reviews, and data/statistics verification.

  • Fatigue Management

    Develop and implement robust fatigue management systems.

    Ensure drivers adhere to required work and rest periods and staff adequately administer this process.

    Prioritise driver safety by providing training to mitigate risks of fatigue-related incidents.

  • Maintenance Management

    Develop comprehensive maintenance management programs.

    Focus on preventative maintenance, regular inspections, and record-keeping.

    Optimise fleet performance, reduce downtime and enhance safety.

  • Dimension & Loading

    Ensure compliance with dimension and loading requirements.

    Complete the D&L checklist and provide evidence for each trip/load.

    Record training/induction provided to drivers/employees.

    Signed and dated Responsibility Statements, ensuring compliance.

  • Mass Management: (Optional)

    Establish effective mass management strategies.

    Ensure compliance with weight limits and load restraint requirements.

    Guide weighing processes, documentation, and Main Roads WA regulations.


Refer to the Main Roads website for a complete list of the Criteria/Standards and Management System requirements and Business Rules under the WAHVA Scheme.

[Accreditation & Auditing | Main Roads Western Australia]